7.4 Appeal of a Decision under the D.B.R. System
7.4.1 Except where a decision has been made that is in contravention of or not in accordance with a published rule, discipline decisions made under the D.B.R. System may not be appealed.
7.5 Request For A Hearing
7.5.1 Except in cases of O.S.A. Misconduct Type 1.3, 1.5 and 1.6, an individual who is subject to the D.B.R. System shall have the right to request to be disciplined by the D.B.H. System
7.5.2 The accused shall submit a written request to the organization having jurisdiction to hear the case, within three days of receiving the dismissal. This request must arrive before the date of the next scheduled Discipline Review meeting, as published, in accordance with Policy 7.2.2
7.5.3 The written request shall be in the form of a ?Request For A Hearing? together with the appropriate ?Request For Hearing Fee?
7.5.4 A Discipline Hearing Administrative Fee is only payable if the accused is found guilty of the charge.
7.5.5 The ?Request For Hearing Fee? shall be Paid prior to the start of the hearing and this fee is non-refundable

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